Mithe Chawal, also known as Gur Ke Chawal(when made with Jaggery) is a delicious rice preparation from Haryana.
Mithe Chawal as it is popularly known in Northern States of India (Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana) is Basant Panchami special. Yellow color that signifies vitality, strength, sunlight and happiness is the color of Basant Panchami.
Wearing yellow color clothes and having yellow color dishes especially made with rice, is considered auspicious on this day.
What is Basan Panchami
Panchami is celebrated every year on the fifth day of the bright half of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Magha, which typically falls in late January or February. The festival commences forty days before the Spring festival HOLI.
Mithe Chawal sweet rice

Course : Sweet
Cuisine : Indian
Prep time : 20 minutes
Process time : 10 minutes
Total time : 30 minutes
Basmati Rice - 1 cup
Coconut - 3 tsp
Nuts - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Yellow food colour - 1 tsp
Ghee - 1 tsp
Wash & Soak the basmati rice for 1 hour, strain & keep aside
In a pan, boil water, then add yellow food colour to it and mix
Add the soaked basmati rice to the boiling colour water
Cook the rice until 90%, then stain the riee & keep aside
In other pan, add ghee, coconut, nuts and fry until brown
Then add half cooked basmati rice, mix gently
Add sugar to the rice & mix, cover and cook until rice is cooked completely
Serve hot

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